Attendance Office
The complete attendance policy can be found in the Student Handbook.
The following are the general daily rules to observe:
Please call the attendance office at (734) 284-3533 no later than 9 a.m. to report a tardy, an absence, or to request an early dismissal. The office is open every morning from 7 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and an answering machine is always available.
Any student arriving late to school must report to the attendance office for a late slip to be presented to the teacher.
If a student is going to be late due to a doctor, dentist, orthodontist, or other appointment, the parent should notify the office and the student must bring in a note from the appointment in order to have the tardy excused.
When a student becomes ill during the day, he or she should get permission from the teacher to come to the attendance office. From there, the parent will be notified. Students are not permitted to use their cell phone to contact a parent. Parents who are unable to pick up their sick son or daughter, may have another emergency contact pick up the student.
For additional information regarding absences or tardies, please refer to the Student Handbook.
Regarding the administration of medications:
Students who may need to carry an inhaler must have a doctor's order and parent's signed permission on file in the office. Students are not to have in their possession any prescription or non-prescription drug. If a student needs to take any of these types of medications during the day, the medication and the written permission from the physician and the parent/guardian must be on file in the office. You may obtain this form in the attendance office or download it from our website.

Karen Kuzava ('80)
Attendance Officer
(734) 284-3533