Chrome@home Day is a home-based online learning day. Chrome@home Days benefit our students by providing an opportunity to continue learning without schedule disruption. Gabriel Richard may institute a Chrome@home Day due to inclement weather, or for any reason in which the school facility is closed for attendance.
In the event of a school closing, the school principal, Mr. Joseph Whalen, will alert families via SchoolReach, indicating whether Chrome@home Day is in effect. According to the Chrome@home policy:
Teachers will post all assigned work and activities with clearly-defined deadlines via FACTS SIS (RenWeb) by 10 a.m. of the designated Chrome@home Day.
Students are responsible for checking both FACTS SIS and their school email accounts to view assigned activities and class communications.
Students are responsible for bringing textbooks home with them when there is warning of inclement weather.
Teachers will check email periodically throughout the day in support of students.
Students are responsible for completing all assigned activities within the teacher-specified timeframe.
Uncompleted assignments/activities will be considered missing work. Late work for unexcused absences will not be accepted.
If a student is sick and is unable to participate in assigned Chrome@home Day activities, a parent should contact the teacher(s) via email by 10 a.m. The student will received an excused absence and will be responsible for completing all Chrome@home Day activities upon returning to school.