Class Reunions
To post an upcoming reunion on the Gabriel Richard Catholic High School website, please contact Fran Gosen, director of marketing and alumni relations, at gosenf@gabrielrichard.org.
Throughout the year, Gabriel Richard hosts several fundraisers and events that provide great opportunities for classes to join us. The Food Truck Rally on June 1 and Reverse Tailgate are cost-effective ways to host a hassle-free reunion and do not require a minimum guarantee. To discuss holding a reunion at a GR event, please contact Fran Gosen or Adrian Kowal at (734) 284-1875.

Class of 1984:
40-Year Reunion
The Class of 1984 is hosting a 40-year reunion on Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 7 p.m. until midnight at Champions Sports Bar, 22112 Sibley Road in Brownstown.
Cost is $20 per person at the door to cover the event space fee and required food purchase. Cash bar.