Student Activities at GR
Participation in extracurricular activities helps students strengthen
leadership skills, make new friends, and give back to the community.
At Gabriel Richard, we encourage students to expand their horizons
beyond the classroom by actively participating in at least one club or
Gabriel Richard offers a variety of clubs and organizations. New clubs
may also be formed based on interest and approval by administration.
At least one faculty member is assigned as a moderator of each club
sponsored by the school.
Below is a list of clubs and organizations that are currently offered:
Baking Club
Book Club
Business Professionals of America (BPA)
Crochet Club
Future Health Professionals (HOSA)
National Honor Society
Click here to view the Robotics Team Wish List
Student Ambassadors
Student Government
Thespian Guild (Drama)
Click here to visit the GR Thespian Guild page.
Activities at GR
Throughout the year, Gabriel Richard hosts several events including:
Academic Letter Mass
Art for a Cause
Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation
Burgundy and White Day (Mass and fall athletic season kick off)
Catholic Schools Week activities and spirit relays
College visits throughout the month of October
Fall Honors Assembly
Freshman, sophomore, junior and senior class retreats
Homecoming game and dance
Junior Ring Mass
Legislative Forum (monthly)
Parking lot painting (senior class)
Powder Buff volleyball game
Powder Puff football game
Spring and fall plays
Winter and spring band concerts