Counseling Department
The Counseling Department at Gabriel Richard works closely with students and parents for high school, college and career planning. Onsite college admission and scholarship applications are provided in the counseling office and Internet programs for college and scholarship searches are subscribed to and available for all registered students at Gabriel Richard.
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School Dual Enrollment Policy
To qualify for Dual Enrollment, a student must meet the minimum qualifying score on the Explore, Plan, or ACT tests. A student must also have a 3.0 G.P.A. or better in the current quarter. The guidance director must approve the courses that the student wants to take and it must comply with the guidelines set forth by the State of Michigan. After these requirements are met, the guidance director will write a formal letter from the principal allowing permission for the student to take the course. After the principal signs the letter, the guidance director will give the student a packet consisting of the letter from the principal, a copy of the test scores, and a copy of the transcript to bring with them to the institution that they have chosen.
Michigan Department of Education PowerPoint
Test Anxiety
For many students, taking exams can be incredibly stressful. How do you take care of yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed with studying and preparing for exams? Follow these tips from @collegeboard and @jedfoundation for simple but effective ways you can take care of yourself before, during and after taking a test.
How To Curb Test Anxiety PowerPoint
College Search
The counseling department at Gabriel Richard provides opportunities throughout the months of September and October for students to meet with local college and university admissions representatives on site or virtually. Additionally, students are encouraged to visit the campuses of colleges and universities they are interested in attending.
A resource to help you begin your college search is available at:
Scholarship Opportunities
The guidance department offers resources and tips to help students find and apply for college scholarships. Opportunities are posted in the guidance department and are periodically shared with students and family via a shared Google drive. The list is provided here and is frequently updated, so please be sure to check often. Students are also encouraged to check the list of reliable search websites.
Financial Aid
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a free application that may be found at https://studentaid.gov/. This application is free (do not pay for it).
Parents, please note: It is important to fill out this application even if your student's education is already fully funded. Most scholarships will require a student to file the FAFSA. The FAFSA will also qualify student for loans which they can deny if they do not need.
Sallie Mae offers a step-by-step guide to completing the FAFSA. To access the guide, click here.
To read more about understanding financial aid offers, click here.
College Sports Eligibility
Students who plan to play college sports must register with the NCAA or the NAIA Eligibility centers as soon as possible upon entering high school. For more information, please contact your school counselor.