Language Arts
The language arts department at Gabriel Richard has a longstanding tradition of excellence. The department consistently scores at the top of the region and state on standardized tests including the ACT. Last year's average score on the English section of the ACT was 25.0 (compared to the state average of 19.3 and the national average of 20.3), and the average score on the writing section was also 23.8 (compared to the state average of 20.2).
The language arts department at GR offers two levels of study: General and honors. Courses focus on a traditional academic approach to English in order to prepare our students for college.
For more information about the courses listed below, please refer to the Course Curriculum Guide.
Courses Offered:
English 9 (Year)
Honors English 9 (Year)
English 10 (Year)
Honors Composition 10 (Semester)
Honors American Literature 10 (Semester)
Composition 11 (Semester)
American Literature 11 (Semester)
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition (Year 11)
British Literature (Semester)
Research Techniques (Semester)
Advanced Placement English Literature (Year 12)
Creative Writing (Semester)*
The Graphic Novel (Semester)*
Graduation Requirement:
Four credits of language arts are required for graduation (four semesters of composition/four semesters of literature).
*These courses do not count toward the required language arts credits.

Kristen Guglielmetti, MAT

Carina McGraw, MAT, BA

Loretta Sovel, BA