Merit Scholarships and Tuition Discounts
One of the biggest misconceptions about a Catholic education is that it's too expensive to fit every budget; however, an education at Gabriel Richard Catholic High School is more affordable than you may think. Thanks to the generosity of our alumni, families and friends, Gabriel Richard is able to provide financial assistance to our families in need, renewable merit scholarships, and additional cost savings. We offer convenient payment options and multi-student discounts for our families. A brief description of current scholarships and discounts are listed below.
Academic Merit Scholarships: 2023-2024
High School Placement Test (HSPT) Scholarship
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School awards merit scholarships to incoming freshmen based upon a student's performance on the High School Placement Test. Students whose composite score is in the 80th percentile or above are eligible to receive the following:
97th - 99th percentile: $1,500 freshman merit scholarship
94th - 96th percentile: $1,000 freshman merit scholarship
90th - 93rd percentile: $500 freshman merit scholarship
80th - 89th percentile: $250 freshman merit scholarship
Academic scholarships will be renewable each subsequent year for 50% of the original amount if a student maintains honor roll status and a satisfactory record of conduct. The total value of these scholarships over the length of four years is $625 - $3,750 per eligible student.
GR Pioneer Merit Scholarship
A one-time merit scholarship of $5,000 is awarded to the top HSPT scorer from St. Pius, St. Joseph, St. John Paul II, and Christ the King schools who hit the qualifying benchmark and will attend Gabriel Richard. One additional GR Pioneer Merit Scholarship may also be awarded annually to the highest HSPT scorer from any other Catholic or partner school. This scholarship is not renewable.
Per MHSAA guidelines, Gabriel Richard Catholic High School does not offer athletic scholarships.
Additional Scholarships, Tuition Discounts and Incentives: 2023-2024
Gabriel Richard Alumni Legacy Scholarship
A one-time $500 tuition discount is awarded to a newly-enrolled freshman or transfer student whose birth parent is a graduate of Gabriel Richard Catholic High School. One discount is applied per student. This discount is renewable each subsequent year for 50% of the original value and applies to new students only. The total four year value of this scholarship is $1,250.
Aquinas High School and Mt. Carmel High School Alumni Scholarship
A one-time $250 tuition discount is awarded to a newly-enrolled freshman or transfer student whose birth parent is a graduate of Aquinas High School in Southgate or Mt. Carmel High School in Wyandotte. One discount is applied per student. This discount is renewable each subsequent year for 50% of the original value and applies to new students only. Documentation of graduation is required. The total four year value of this scholarship is $625.
Catholic High School Alumni Scholarship
A one-time $250 tuition discount is awarded to a newly-enrolled freshman or transfer student whose birth parent is a graduate of a Catholic high school, excluding Gabriel Richard, Aquinas, and/or Mt. Carmel. One discount is applied per student. This discount is non-renewable and applies to new students only. Documentation of graduation is required.
Commitment to Catholic Education Scholarship
A one-time $250 tuition discount is awarded to a newly-enrolled freshman who has previously graduated 8th grade from a Catholic grade school. This discount is renewable each subsequent year for 50% of the original value and applies to new students only. The total four year value of this scholarship is $625.
Catholic School Employee Discount
The Catholic School Employee Discount is awarded to students of full-time employees and part-time employees working a minimum of 20 hours per week at a school within the Archdiocese of Detroit. Families receive a $250 discount each year, with a maximum of one discount per family, per year. Families must provide documentation of employment each fall. The total four year value of this tuition discount is $1,000.
This discount does not apply to families employed by Gabriel Richard Catholic High School.
Dennis and Violet Mullahy Scholarship
The Dennis and Violet Mullahy Scholarship will be awarded to two incoming freshmen (one male and one female) with a one-time award of $500 to be applied to tuition at Gabriel Richard. Applications are available through the admissions office.
First Responder and Military Tuition Discount
The First Responder Tuition Discount is awarded to families with a parent/legal guardian that works as an EMT, paramedic, firefighter, police officer, or serves in the United States military. Families receive a $250 discount each year, with a maximum of one discount per family, per year. Families must provide documentation of employment each fall. The total four year value of this tuition discount is $1,000.
New Family Referral Incentive Program
Current families of Gabriel Richard Catholic High School may receive a $250 tuition credit for each eligible family who is referred to and enrolls at Gabriel Richard. Some restrictions apply. For more information about the program, click here.
Gabriel Richard offers a tuition reduction incentive through its RaiseRight (formerly SCRIP) program. RaiseRight is a free and easy way to help families lower the cost of their tuition and raise money for school programs. Proceeds from RaiseRight are applied to a family's tuition once a year. For more information about Gabriel Richard's RaiseRight program, click here.