RaiseRight (Formerly Scrip)
What is RaiseRight Fundraising?
RaiseRight is an easy and convenient way to fundraise while you shop. RaiseRight gives families another way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks and credit cards. RaiseRight gift cards also make great gifts.
Here's how it works:
Families buy RaiseRight gift cards through our school's RaiseRight program. Gift cards are available for hundreds of national and local retailers including Meijer, Kohls, Target, Walmart/Sam's Club, Marathon, Applebees, Subway, Tim Horton's and many more.
Both our school and our families earn a percentage of every dollar spent on the gift cards. Families' profits are calculated in February and applied toward the March tuition payment.
How can I buy RaiseRight?
Families may shop online 24 hours a day at RaiseRight.com. To set up a family account, please contact our school RaiseRight coordinator to obtain the GR Enrollment Code. Families may also set up PRESTO PAY (a secure ACH debit process that electronically debits funds from your savings or checking account). With PRESTO PAY, certificates are emailed directly to you within minutes. Families may also use PRESTO PAY to reload cards that are reloadable, or may use PRESTO PAY to order plastic gift cards. The RaiseRight coordinator will work with each family to get the cards to them.
For more information, please our RaiseRight coordinator, Kristy Shadik, at krisshad77@gmail.com.

GR Enrollment Code:
To obtain our school's enrollment code, please contact our RaiseRight coordinator by clicking here.